Saturday, February 12, 2011

SIT DOWN BEFORE READING..... Sweet cheesus!

OK... are you sitting down.... this is gonna be one hell of a ride.

You know when you get into this head space, where you JUST DON' CARE anymore, well this kinda happened for the past few days.

I must have consumed about 1kg of sugar in the past 2 days. It all started when I was paid in chocolate for a job. Nothing against the person who gave me the chocolate, but cheesus, what a mess it made of me for about 4 days.

I know better! WHY? Sweet cheesus, WHY???

The resulting sugar rush and highs and lows took days to shake, I am only really getting back on track.

This blog really has helped me, keep my mind on track.

The mind is the best weight loss tool that I have. It beats any rowing machine, weight stack or personal trainer in existence, hands down.

You see, my brain is taking the rest of my carcass to Taekwondo tomorrow night.
My brain will push my body to it's physical limits.
It will keep me safe from harm.
It will keep me breathing.
It will even bring my body home for a shower and refuel afterwards.

Consciously I KNOW when I am doing the wrong thing, feeding the wrong fuel into my body... I hate doing this to myself.

I MUST take time to listen to my MIND and understand that the feelings of hunger, pain, and hopelessness are temporary.

I WILL not beat myself up over this... I will learn and move forward.

I will endeavor to do the best for my body from now on.

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